Drop-in Playgroup starting Tuesday, November 8th, 2022
Join ASNL navigator, Rachel Hogan, for a Caregiver & Tot Playgroup
(suitable for children under 5, or not yet in kindergarten).
This is designed as a free play group, where parents/caregivers can connect with other parents/caregivers in a safe, supportive, inclusive space, while their children explore toys and physical play equipment in a small group setting.
Where: Elaine Dobbin Centre for Autism, 70 Clinch Crescent
When: Tuesdays, 10am – 12pm
Cost: Free for Members
Space is limited to 6 children & their caregivers.
Once you have filled out this registration form you/your child will be in our contacts for this playgroup. After that, you will be required to reserve your spot for the Tuesday playgroup on the Friday before. Email reminders will come out on Friday for those who have filled out this registration form.
If something comes up (illness, appointments, etc.) and you cannot make the playgroup on Tuesday, but have pre-registered for that week, please email me so I can move through the waitlist.
To register please click HERE
If you have any other questions or concerns, please email Rachel: rhogan@asnl.ca